Easy Piano for Beginners:
If you want to play the piano or keyboard for fun but you don’t want to spend years learning how to read sheet music, paying for 20+ hours of boring lectures, or trawling through hundreds of incomplete youtube videos, this is the course for you.
You don’t need all that complicated stuff that leaves your head spinning – especially not in the beginning. You just need the right amount ~ it’s the ‘goldilocks’ method, where you learn what you need to know to get past the ‘complete beginner’ stage: no more, no less.
Easy Piano for Beginners:
- Correct piano posture tips and warmup exercises for your hands & fingers for the best results in your playing.
- Learn the basic keyboarding technique so your fingers can glide across the piano with ease and confidence.
- Learn basic music theory (intervals, key signatures and more) so you understand what it is you need to play.
- Learn to play your fundamental scales and chords.
- Play your first full song along to our fun band tracks in x3 musical styles.
- Includes 2-minute video lessons, cheatsheets and backing tracks.
- Lay the perfect foundation for playing piano by ear.
This course is the perfect introduction to piano – tested on thousands of piano students worldwide. Here’s what they’ve said:
The Piano Keyboard Layout
Playing Piano Without Reading Music
Musical Intervals
7The Easy Way to Find Middle C, Every Time.
8Count Your Fingers
Look through the Cheatsheet for this chapter before beginning the exercises.
Below is the audio for the Have A Go exercises to download - approach them in the same order as the cheatsheet (6.5MB)
Once you've finished the Have A Go's try the Song Snack along with the video!
The Secret to Great Piano Scales
The Great Unlocking - Turning Scales into Keys
10So Major - Playing Major Scales
Remember to check your cheatsheet before beginning the exercises.
11Scale Technique - Thumb Tuck
HAVE A GO: If you practise this move a few times you will find that you can play the full scale smoothly without any breaks in the sound! Now try the same technique with the LH descending the scale. Remember to tuck the thumb under the 3rd finger.
12Scale Technique - Finger Toss
Remember to check your cheatsheet before beginning the exercises.
13It's a Minor Thing - Playing Minor Scales
Remember to check your cheatsheet before beginning the exercises.
*In this video the note ‘B flat’ is mentioned. Don’t worry, you didn’t miss something – flats and sharps haven’t been talked about yet, but they are covered in the next course ‘Songs By Ear’! For now, to find the relative minor, simply count three half-steps down.
Additional training
14Turning Scales Into Keys
Remember to check your cheatsheet before beginning the exercises.
SONG SNACK: Using the song you learned in Lesson 5, ‘Play Nice’, practise along with the backing track audio, you can download it from the link immediately below for offline use, or stream it from this page as laid out underneath.
There are three different styles of backing tracks here for you to play along to: Gospel, Hip-hop and Rock.
15Final Quiz - Wha Da Ya Know?
This is the final activity of the Super Basics course! Take the short quiz below to test your knowledge and see if you've mastered all the lessons! If there's a particular question you struggle with you can go back through the lessons to find the right answer.