Welcome to Visual Studio Code for Developers, the course that you need to start working with one of the most popular code editors in the developer community. Learn Visual Studio Code with hands-on practice and detailed step-by-step explanations of the basic and advanced features of Visual Studio Code.
This course is for everyone who wants to master Visual Studio Code. If you are starting your coding journey or if you are an experienced developer, this course will help you master Visual Studio Code and improve your productivity as a developer.
Estefania will take you step by step from the basic features of Visual Studio Code like working with files to more advanced features like debugging and source control to help you succeed and incorporate this amazing code editor into your daily workflow.
Visual Studio Code is Your Next Step Into the in-demand and powerful World of Software Development.
During the course, you will learn how to:
- Create, save, and edit files
- Work with different panels, bars, and tools
- Work with files and editors
- Open folders and edit their files and folders in the explorer
- Use the search feature to find anything in your code
- Work with the integrated terminal
- Open Visual Studio Code, files, and folders from the command prompt
- Install extensions from the Extensions Marketplace
- Work with extensions such as Prettier, ESlint, Python, React snippets, and Jupyter
- Add built-in and custom code snippets to your code
- Use git and version control in Visual Studio Code
- Optimize your layout and tools to work with Python and Web Development
- Create virtual environments for Python development in Visual Studio Code
- Run the debugger and add breakpoints to check your variables
- Create, edit, and work with Jupyter Notebooks
- Write Markdown files in Visual Studio Code
- Much more
Getting Started with Visual Studio Code
Working with Files and Folders
4Welcome to this Section
5What is Visual Studio Code? Introduction to Code Editors
6Download and Install Visual Studio Code
7Downloadable Course Resources
8Visual Studio Code Version, Updates, and Shortcuts
9The User Interface (Panels, Bars, and Tools)
10Quick Review and Important Tools
11Glyph Margin and Minimap
12How to Zoom the Editor
13Section Quiz: Getting Started with Visual Studio Code
14Discussion Topic: Share your Thoughts
How to Edit a Project in the Explorer
Search in Visual Studio Code
24Welcome to this Section
25Introduction to the Explorer + How to Toggle the Explorer
26Create and Delete Files in the Explorer
27Create and Delete Folders in the Explorer
28Move Files and Folders in the Explorer
29Expand and Collapse Folders in the Explorer (+ Moving Multiple Files)
30Rename a File in the Explorer
31Drag and Drop a File
32Refresh the Explorer
33Collapse All Folders
34Section Quiz: The Explorer
35Discussion Topic: Share your Thoughts
The Integrated Terminal and the Command Prompt
36Welcome to this Section
37Important Information (Our Demo App)
38Search in Visual Studio Code
39How to Search in the Sidebar
40Match Case
41Match Whole Word
42Searching with Regular Expressions
43Search and Replace
44Preserve Case and More Options
45Include and Exclude Files from Search
46Search Only in Open Editors
47Section Quiz: Search in Visual Studio Code
48Discussion Topic: Share your Thoughts
Customize Visual Studio Code + Settings
49Welcome to this Section
50Introduction to the Terminal
51Launch Visual Studio Code from the Terminal
52'code' Command Not Found? How to Add it to PATH
53Open Files in Visual Studio Code from the Command Prompt
54Open Multiple Files in Visual Studio Code from the Command Prompt
55The Integrated Terminal in Visual Studio Code
56Install Node.js to run npm start
57Multiple Terminals and the Terminal Shell
58Command Line Help
59Section Quiz: The Integrated Terminal and the Command Prompt
60Discussion Topic: Share your Thoughts
Improve your Productivity in Visual Studio Code
61Welcome to this Section
62How to Open the Settings Panel
63Frequently Used Settings
64How to Change Tabs to Spaces and Spaces to Tabs
65Change the Number of Spaces per Level of Indentation
66Change the Theme
67How to Show or Hide the Minimap
68Hide Editor Tabs
69Resize Panels and Split the Editor
70Wrap Long Lines
71Customize the Settings for Each Programming Language
72Default Settings
73Customizing the Terminal
74Move the Terminal (Right, Left, Bottom)
75Bracket Pair Colorization
76Section Quiz: Customize Visual Studio Code
77Discussion Topic: Share your Thoughts