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4.37 out of 5
197 reviews on Udemy

Master Fullstack Web Development with Angular and C# ASP.NET

Learn web development with C#, ASP.NET, Angular 14 and Unit Testing in only 21 days to become a full-stack web developer
Denis Panjuta
1,429 students enrolled
English [Auto]
Master the C# web development framework ASP net for creating backend applications
Learn the ins and outs of Angular (v14) to master frontend development
Learn TypeScript development for Angular
Learn how to apply unit testing
Learn how to implement and query SQL databases
Develop comprehensive web applications that your employers and peers will love
Become a full-stack web developer in the ASP net and Angular stack
Learn how to build separate frontend and backend applications and how to connect them using the OpenAPI standard

Course Title: “Master Fullstack Web Development with Angular and C# ASP.NET”


Become a proficient full-stack web developer with our comprehensive course on Angular and C# ASP.NET. This course is designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to build modern, scalable web applications from front to back. From creating dynamic user interfaces with Angular to developing robust server-side applications with C# ASP.NET, you’ll learn the full stack of web development technologies and techniques required to succeed in today’s competitive industry.


Participants should have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Familiarity with C# programming language fundamentals will be beneficial but not mandatory. Access to a computer with internet connectivity and a code editor is necessary for completing exercises and projects. This course is suitable for beginners and intermediate developers looking to master full-stack web development with Angular and C# ASP.NET.

Who This Course is For:

  • Beginners interested in learning full-stack web development with Angular and C# ASP.NET.
  • Students and graduates seeking to acquire in-demand skills for web development careers.
  • Web developers transitioning to Angular and C# ASP.NET from other frameworks or languages.
  • Professionals looking to expand their skill set and advance their careers in web development.
  • Entrepreneurs and business owners interested in building their own web applications using Angular and C# ASP.NET.

Key Highlights:

  • Comprehensive coverage of Angular framework fundamentals, including components, services, routing, and forms.
  • In-depth exploration of C# ASP.NET concepts such as MVC architecture, RESTful APIs, and database integration.
  • Hands-on projects and coding exercises to reinforce learning and solidify understanding of full-stack development concepts.
  • Integration of front-end and back-end technologies to build fully functional web applications with Angular and C# ASP.NET.
  • Guidance on best practices for code organization, project structure, and deployment strategies for scalable web applications.
  • Expert insights and real-world examples to illustrate the practical application of Angular and C# ASP.NET in web development projects.

Enroll now and embark on a journey to master full-stack web development with Angular and C# ASP.NET. Let us empower you to build cutting-edge web applications and accelerate your career in the dynamic field of web development.

Ready to become a full-stack web developer? Enroll now and master Angular and C# ASP.NET!

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Angular C# ASP.NET Fullstack Web Development


12 hours on-demand video
21 articles
1 lectures
Certificate of Completion
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