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164 reviews on Udemy

Learn Three.Js and Shaders from scratch

Learn everything you need to master Three JS and Shaders to build immersive and creative Websites
Ahmad Al-shurafa
1,258 students enrolled
English [Auto]
How to install ThreeJs library and import it into your project
Learn the basics of ThreeJs with many demonstrations and example code
Learn about the ThreeJs Scene, Camera and Renderer
Creating our very first scene in ThreeJs
How to move and animate the Objects
Learn about Webpack, NodeJs ,and serving ES6 modules to the browser clients.
We will talk about Gsap Package and how we can use it
How to scale a 3D scene and be responsive due to the display screen
Learn about Geometries such as Box, Sphere, Plane, Torus, TorusKnot and more
Learn about Geometries such as Box, Sphere, Plane, Torus, TorusKnot and more
Learn the secrets in which some projects were made
Learn about the Basic, Normal, Lambert, Phong, Standard, Matcap and other materials
Learn about the Bumpmap and Displacement Maps
Learn Dat GUI panels
Everything related to Lights and Shadows will be covered
We will dive deep into OrbitControls
We also will learn how to create a stunning Scene using Particles
Learn about the model loaders such as the OBJ, GLTF, DRACO, FBX and more
How to use Raycaster and how to use it for mouse picking 3D objects in the scene
Create Custom Animations and Export From Blender
Learn Shaders (GLSL ) to create immersive and creative websites
How to create vertex and fragment shaders in detail
We are also going to talk about GLSL Built in function, Noises and how to import textures into your shade
Post Processing will also be explained
And so much more . . .

Three.js Shaders Course for Beginners

Course Title: “Learn Three.Js and Shaders from Scratch”


Embark on an immersive journey into the world of 3D graphics with our comprehensive course on Three.js and shaders. Designed for beginners, “Learn Three.js and Shaders from Scratch” provides a solid foundation in 3D rendering and shader programming using the popular Three.js library. From understanding the basics of 3D graphics to mastering shader development for creating stunning visual effects, this course equips you with the skills and knowledge needed to build interactive and visually captivating 3D web applications from scratch.


No prior experience in 3D graphics or shader programming is required to enroll in this course. Participants should have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Familiarity with concepts such as variables, functions, and loops will be beneficial. Access to a computer with a modern web browser and a text editor is necessary for coding exercises and experimentation with Three.js and shaders. This course is ideal for web developers, designers, and enthusiasts eager to explore the exciting world of 3D graphics and shader programming.

Who This Course is For:

  • Web developers interested in adding interactive 3D graphics to their websites and applications using Three.js.
  • Designers looking to expand their skill set and incorporate 3D visualizations and effects into their projects.
  • Students and graduates aspiring to pursue a career in web development or game development with a focus on 3D graphics.
  • Enthusiasts curious about 3D graphics and shader programming and eager to learn from scratch.
  • Professionals seeking to enhance their portfolio and stay competitive in the rapidly evolving field of web development with 3D capabilities.

Key Highlights:

  • Comprehensive coverage of Three.js library fundamentals, including scene creation, geometry, materials, and lighting.
  • Hands-on projects and coding exercises to reinforce learning and solidify understanding of 3D graphics concepts.
  • In-depth exploration of shader programming for creating custom visual effects and enhancing 3D scenes.
  • Practical tips and best practices for optimizing performance and achieving realistic rendering in web-based 3D applications.
  • Expert guidance from experienced instructors with real-world industry experience in 3D graphics and web development.
  • Access to a supportive learning community for collaboration, feedback, and networking opportunities with fellow 3D enthusiasts.

Enroll now and unlock the creative potential of Three.js and shaders. Let us guide you on your journey to mastering 3D graphics and shader programming from scratch.

Start your journey into 3D graphics and shader programming today! Enroll now to learn Three.js and shaders from scratch.

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Learn Three.Js and Shaders from scratch


9 hours on-demand video
1 lectures
Certificate of Completion
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