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4.5 out of 5
9 reviews on Udemy

Full Stack GraphQL With Spring boot Kotlin and React Apollo

Learn how to build GraphQL application with spring boot and React, Apollo client and Integration Testing of GraphQL
Vikas kumar
157 students enrolled
English [Auto]
You will learn What is GraphQL
You will understand difference between GraphQL and REST API
You will learn what is QueryResolver?
You will learn what is MutationResolver?
You will learn what is FieldResolver?
You will learn How to integrate with Database
You will learn How to write Integration testcase for Graphql Query and mutation
You will learn How to create custom scalar types in graphQL
You will learn How to solve N+1 query problem - DataLoader
You will learn How to create Custom @Directive in GraphQL
How to Setup Spring Security In GraphQL
How to use JWT token
How to Setup Role based Authorization In GraphQL
How to Setup React Application With Apollo Client
How to Setup Codegen based Development Workflow
Authentication and Authorization At React Level
Formik With Yup Validation
React Router Dom V6 Integration
MUI - Material UI with React

Full Stack GraphQL Spring Boot Kotlin React Apollo tutorial

Course Title: Full Stack GraphQL With Spring Boot Kotlin and React Apollo


Unlock the power of GraphQL in full-stack development with our comprehensive course. Dive deep into building robust, scalable applications using Spring Boot with Kotlin on the backend and React with Apollo on the frontend. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or a newcomer to GraphQL, this course equips you with the skills and knowledge needed to master this modern API technology and build cutting-edge web applications.

From setting up your development environment to deploying production-ready applications, you’ll learn the ins and outs of GraphQL with Spring Boot and React Apollo. Explore the advantages of GraphQL over traditional REST APIs, and discover how to design and implement GraphQL schemas and resolvers using Kotlin and Spring Boot. Dive into client-side GraphQL with React and Apollo Client, and learn how to query and mutate data efficiently in your frontend applications.


  • Basic understanding of Kotlin programming language
  • Familiarity with React and JavaScript
  • Experience with Spring Boot is beneficial but not required
  • Node.js and npm installed on your machine

Who This Course Is For:

This course is perfect for developers and software engineers interested in mastering GraphQL for full-stack web development. Whether you’re a backend developer looking to expand your skill set or a frontend developer eager to learn backend integration, this course provides the perfect blend of theory and hands-on practice to help you succeed. Additionally, it’s ideal for Kotlin enthusiasts and React developers seeking to explore GraphQL integration in their projects.

Key Topics Covered:

  • Introduction to GraphQL and its advantages
  • Setting up a Spring Boot project with Kotlin
  • Designing and implementing GraphQL schemas and resolvers
  • Integrating GraphQL with Spring Boot backend
  • Building GraphQL APIs and performing queries and mutations
  • Client-side GraphQL with React and Apollo Client
  • Consuming GraphQL APIs in React applications

Take your full-stack development skills to the next level with GraphQL, Spring Boot, Kotlin, React, and Apollo. Enroll now and embark on a journey towards mastering modern web development technologies.

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Full Stack GraphQL Spring Boot Kotlin React Apollo tutorial


12 hours on-demand video
1 article
1 lectures
Certificate of Completion
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