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EXTREME-Performance PL/SQL Data Validation Package

Understand the Data Validation package logic and coding. Download and Customize to YOUR Requirements.
Alan Austin
3 students enrolled
Download an EXTREME-Performance PL/SQL Data Validation package
Learn how and what to do to mold the Data Validation package to YOUR requirements
Learn PL/SQL concepts and coding through development of a PL/SQL Data Validation package
Learn some super-effective Performance-Tuning techniques usable in any PL/SQL development
Learn SQL reporting techniques that do not require a separate reporting tool and display all Data Validation results including Run-Time
Understand Data Validation in the context of Data Migration

PL/SQL Data Validation Package

The critical nature of fully Validated Data, as “The Last Line of Defense”, in preventing a Data Migration Disaster, will be described.

While you will learn about Data Migration/Validation and a lot of PL/SQL (and SQL), during this course, this is NOT primarily an academic exercise – your understanding, the provided downloads and Customization Instructions can be combined to develop an efficient, high-performance Data Validation Package, honed by you to YOUR requirements.


  • You will be guided through the PL/SQL Data Validation package development process
  • You will understand where Data Validation fits into the Data Migration process
  • You will be introduced, in detail, to the Anatomy of a PL/SQL Package
  • Program concepts will be explained as we review the detailed package code
  • Logic and coding will be explained
  • You will be able to download:
    1. Code for the Data Validation Package and for Summary and Detailed Data Validation Error Reports
    2. Supporting objects (including Staging and ERROR_LOG tables)
    3. Instructions for package customization
    4. Instructions for EXTREME-Performance Tuning
    5. References: additional information RE SQL, PL/SQL and Performance-Tuning
  • You will be able to provide feedback (Kudos, Gripes, Suggestions)
  • You will be able to request advice
  • And, of course, please accept My Thanks for allowing me present the “EXTREME-Performance ” to you.


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Required Resources

LECTURE 3: Data Migration Overview

LECTURE 4: Anatomy of a PL/SQL package

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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!

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PL/SQL Data Validation Package


1 hours on-demand video
1 lectures
Certificate of Completion
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